A HUGE thank you to The Stockton Arts Commission for awarding EMAC a Stockton Arts Grant for the 2023 grant cycle! This funding will help us continue our Stockton Cultural Wealth Project!
The purpose of the Stockton Arts Grant program is to support, stimulate, and strengthen public engagement and access to the arts in Stockton through project-based funding, to increase the capacity of local arts agencies, arts organizations, artist communities, individual artists (including student artists), and arts educators to benefit and enrich our diverse communities. Additionally, the program aims to support and enable the creation of diverse arts and cultural programming within the City of Stockton.
The Stockton Cultural Wealth Project is a digital storytelling project that provides the opportunity to learn from one another’s lives, humanize our experiences across communities, and find empowerment and healing in sharing our Asian American stories. The project name derives from Dr. Tara Yosso’s definition of Community Cultural Wealth, “an array of knowledge, skills, abilities, and contacts possessed and used by Communities of Color to survive and resist racism and other forms of oppression.” Dr. Yosso examines six forms of cultural capital: aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistance. We use this lens to showcase and learn from the incredible Community Cultural Wealth of Stocktonians.